Healthy Snack Ideas for children
Mid-morning and mid-afternoon are likely snack times- times your child will need refuelling in order to continue being attentive in school or active on the playing field. In keeping with your wholesome meal offerings, prepare snacks that are nutritious and based on grains, fruits, vegetables, and small amounts of protein. Avoid highly refined, sugar-laden foods that don’t provide necessary nutrients.
The following are some ideas for healthful snacks to offer your child.

⎫ Almond butter and celery
⎫ Vegetables and onion dip
⎫ Almond butter
⎫ Vegan “TOONA” wrapped in a whole wheat or corn tortilla ( ask me for a recipe)
⎫ Rice pudding, chia pudding, healthy vegan yogurt ( see my recipes )
⎫ Ezekhiel or spelt bread with sesame seed butter or other nut butters
⎫ Rice cakes with or almond butter and home made apple sauce
⎫ Millet or rice toast with nut butters
⎫ Almond cheese or Walnut hummus with celery, carrots, cucumbers
⎫ Healthy vegan yogurt (coconut is available) with fresh fruit and nuts
⎫ Baked apples with cinnamon
⎫ Carrot sticks with hummas
⎫ Fruit sticks or fruit kabobs
⎫ Organic !!!Corn on the cob only
⎫ Mini pizzas (spelt pita dough topped with tomato sauce, vegetables, and Daiya vegan cheese)
⎫ Cookies made with honey, maple syrup, or coconut nectar, vegan truffles
⎫ Smoothies (vegetable or fruit smoothie),
⎫ Organic home made carrot and apple juice or green juice
⎫ Fruit freezes (fruit, ice, and a dab of honey, mixed in a blender)
⎫ Homemade applesauce and nuts
⎫ Almond butter on small slices of fruit
⎫ Hummus and raw crackers ( you may get them Health Food Stores )
⎫ Dry fruits, raisins, cranberries, black currents,
⎫ Nuts : almonds, pecans, brazil, walnuts pistachio- all raw and previously soaked.